Noise Matters Deleted Scenes is a collection of shots and clips that was not used for the film but I’ve put it together because it conveys the feel that ultimately I like about Noise Matters. The song was specifically written for the film by Cody Marks and is titled I Found it All.
Noise Matters, starring Matias Masucci, Ugo Bianchi, Bret Roberts. Joey Capone, Dean Delray, Brian McGuire, Kevin Dorian, Circus-Szalewski and Frank Payne.
This is a matter of noise, its culture and its effects on the lives of a group of off-beat characters devoted to the simplest of all “arts”, making noise. “…memories are connected to sounds” says Dagobert, leader of the noise band “Shame On You”, as he explains the painstaking process of finding the right objects to generate unique and inimitable sounds capable of evoking emotions in the listener.
Noise Matters is a glance into the life of a professional noise maker, an abstract painter, a sound engineer and a social agitator brought together by their passion for creating sounds using everyday objects.
Trouble starts when their manager Captain Monroe, a womanizing conspiracy theorist and con man, insists on having them record an album that Dagobert just cannot bring himself to do. The story explores the implications of creative undertakings within a group and its impact on artistic integrity.